Booking a holiday is one of the most complex transactions that a website can set out to achieve, with lots of information to display in an engaging format and important regulatory requirements along with a detailed data capture to complete the booking and a high value credit card payment, all of which must reassure the customer and make the sale.
The Dawson & Sanderson website takes holiday information from a variety of sources and major holiday providers and combines them into a very image-led website presentation that seeks to excite the customer and funnel them through to either making a booking or passing the details of their chosen holiday through to a call centre to complete on the phone.
As part of this project we were one of the first developers in the UK to integrate fully with the Jet2 search & booking system as a third party, giving Dawson & Sanderson a crucial edge over their competitors by making this major regional favorite available to their customers. In addition to this we built a sophisticated back-office system to track searches, baskets and bookings to provide vital business intelligence that now informs future promotions and special offers as well as supporting the call centre team.